People often ask how traveling can transform me. If I think back to my life before I started traveling and then compare it to the person I am now I'd affirm that traveling has helped me become a better person. simply put, I'm a much more amazing than I used to be. In reality, I believe that travel is the best thing that anyone can do to make themselves better. Our journeys end better than we were the time we began. We learn, we grow and get perspective

1. Travel makes you more social

It's either way to go in the middle of the highway. It's either you get more adept at making friends, or you're left alone in bed, wailing every night onto the dorm's cushion. You must learn to build relationships with strangers, and you will become more comfortable with strangers. When I first began travel, I thought I was a bit of an introvert and apprehensive speaking to strangers I did not already know. Nowadays, I'll engage with strangers like we've been best buddies for a long time. The reason is that after a while you'll want to chat with strangers, so you head towards the person in front of you at the bar in your hostel in the bar and ask "hi." Then you discover it's not that frightening and continue doing it until you're comfortable.

2. Travel makes you better at conversation

Travelling is not just about being more comfortable with strangers, but it also makes you more adept at it as well. After you have been talking to people constantly and asking the same questions, it becomes monotonous. You begin to become bored yourself. After awhile, you cease to think about where people are from, where they're traveling and the length of time they've been on the road and so on. These types of questions won't really reveal much regarding the individual. Sure, you'll improve at talking to people and, most important is that you'll be able to ask the right questions those that are relevant and will spark meaningful conversations.

3. Travel makes you more confident

You've traveled all over the globe. You've climbed Mt. Everest you've dived into the Great Barrier Reef, wined and dined with a beautiful French lady in Paris and toured cities that you've never heard of and overcame your fears of high altitudes. In the end, you accomplished incredible things. What can you do to be more confident? How do you know if you're confident in your abilities? After you've accomplished many things, you'll begin to feel more confident about your capability to accomplish anything you put your sights on.

4. Travel makes you more adaptable

You've had to deal with delayed flights and slow buses, erroneous turns, annoying delays bad street food and a lot more. After some time, you'll learn that you can adapt your plan to the changing circumstances. You don't become angry and you simply alter the way you're doing things and continue on. Life throws curve balls at you and you strike them with a vengeance. Why? Because you're amazing like that.

5. Travel makes you more adventurous

If you are confident that you can achieve anything, you'll eventually be able to do everything. In the past, in Austin even though I didn't like hot food at all, I had the most hot pepper in the world and the pure extract of capsicum. Why? because I was compelled to! What's the point of life other than to get out of your familiar zone? My mouth was ablaze for hours and I'd never be willing to do it again.

6. Traveling makes you more relaxed

Did you make any mistakes? They also did something else for you as well. They made you Feel More Comfortable and comfortable. Why? Because you've had to deal with numerous mistakes and have are now able to avoid being concerned by these. You just go by the flow and if the Experience Of Traveling has taught you anything, it's the fact that everything works out at the end of the day and that there's no need to be stressed.

7. Travel makes you sexier

Stress causes aging. Those carefree, relaxing days on the road are going to make you more confident and radiant, and you’ll age slower. You’ll look young and sexy. 

8. Travel makes you smarter

If you're not at an resort and drown your mind with frozen beverages, traveling will help you understand the world. You'll discover about people and their history, culture as well as obscure facts about destinations on the bucket list that most people just dream about. You'll be able to gain a better comprehension of the way that the world operates and the ways people behave as a result of the walks you go on, people you meet, and the sights that you visit. You could go through all the books you like but, until you experience the world around you, there's no way to "get it."

9. Travel makes you less materialistic

When you travel you discover the amount of stuff you require. It will be clear that all the junk you buy at the store is unnecessary for a blissful life. After you return home, you'll find yourself a minimalist because  you realize what you need to live and what you don’t.

10. Travel makes you happier

Travel helps us to feel happy. You'll feel more comfortable and confident, and view your world in a more vibrant world. Why wouldn't you be content after experiencing the stunning sunset on the shores of French Polynesia or spotting wildlife on safari in South Africa?

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